Thursday, March 8, 2007

School, Shopping, and ADD...Welcome to my world

I am technically on Spring Break this week. So in honor of said vacation, I decided that instead of hitting the beach like your average student, I would observe the break in my own special way. I have a mid-term that has been available since Feb. 20. (we take our tests at our own leisure in the testing center). The last day to take it is this Saturday, coincedentally the day after Spring Break ends. I had every intention of taking this test tonight. But like I said, I wanted to observe the break, so I called Anne, and we went shopping instead.

After a leisurely dinner at Macaroni Grill, we hit West Town.

Since the only people that will be reading this already know me, I won't go into all the boring details about surgery, recovery, Adderall, and Wellbutrin. Let's just say that this receipe has left me with a bunch of clothes that look like, well, they look like shit. My pants make me look like I took a dump in them and the crotch hangs down to my knees. Anne and Carol could have worn my shirts with me. All of this since the middle of January. My previous size in pants was a 24 bordering on a 26. I bought 2 pairs of pants tonight that are a 20. I was wearing a 26/28 or 3x in tops. My purchases tonight...1x or 18/20.

Anne and I had a blast. She renamed herself Anne Klein and I assumed her as my personal assistant in charge of making me oggleable. Hey, I created a new word. Any way, I think I tried on every style of pants that Lane Bryant makes in 3 different sizes. I put on and took off more shirts than I thought they had in the store. Every time I would take one off, she was throwing one or two more over the dressing room door. I proved beyond a shadow of doubt that things on the mannequin/hanger don't always look that good on you. Maybe I should become a mannequin then I wouldn't have to worry. But, oh my, that would be completly uncomfortable. Going pee would be way difficult. You can't bend so you totally pee down your leg. And considering that you would be made of wood, you would have a raging case of rot. But since you are wood, you could just whittle away the parts that were rotten. Man, I think I need my meds adjusted. I just so went ADD on you guys. But it's funny so I will leave it there. :-)

Back to The Adventures of Anne (Klein) and Kathy (Oggle). After we were done doting on me, it was off to Ann Taylor. We practically made two laps around the store...and then....the completely witchy woman decides to acknowledge our presence in her world...ON OUR WAY OUT. Anne snipped back at her with, "Well, it's a little late now!!!!" Anne vowed to be nicer to service people during lent. She looked at me and said, "That wasn't very lent like of me." But she was completely justified. I say that the Lord understands.

As we were walking back to our store of origin, Belk, we noticed that most of the stores were dropping their gates and closing up shop. There was the momentary thought of whether or not we would be locked in the belly of the mall. But lo and behold, the loving folks at Belk took pity on us and left their door wide stinking open. We didn't even get to squeeze through and be all stealth like.

I had a blast hanging out with Anne and I am very glad she went with me. We all know that she definitely lets her opinion be known. That comes in very handy when clothes shopping. If it doesn't look good, she'll let you know it. One of the Sales lady's at LB looked at her like she was crazy. Pretty funny that she's right.

Well, after being up until 2 ish this morning listening to Kashmir sing the "my momma locked me in the crate and I don't like it" blues, I need to try to get some sleep.

Peace, love, and plaid capris in a size 12...Head Whim


Anne said...

Lets not forget the main question of the night...Why do they put the itty bitty 'kinis next to the woman of size department? Makes no sense to us!

Lilly should reconsider her pricing,
