Sunday, October 7, 2007

I know, don't toot your own horn

I shouldn't have bragged on myself for being good about updating. I promptly fell apart. My apologies. It has been a month or 2. I have been left scathing comments. Harrassed by all family members over the age of 15. And guilted into typing at this late hour. I can't handle the pressure, so this is me caving.

First, can I ask you where the last 2 months have gone? Yeah, can I have them back? I need more time. More time for everything. Sleep, school, work, kids, family. All of it!!

I get asked how school is going. For the kids, fairly well. Josh is pulling mostly B's. He may have a C, but I am not sure. He has started basketball practice. His first game is October 22. Stay tuned for further details. Joseph has decided that In School Suspension (ISS) is not all it's cracked up to be. After 2 or 3 trips so far, he has decided to steer clear. His grades are average from what I understand. Stay tuned for further details. Kamry is floundering some. Her grades are good enough, they could be better. If she would slow down and take some more time with her work, her grades would be greatly improved. But we are trying. Stay tuned for further details.

I am taking Psychology, which I thought would be difficult as an online class, and I have an A.

I am also taking US Government and Politics. I go to school every Tuesday night for 3 hours. I thought I would hate this class. Somehow, give me a notebook, a text book, and tell me to take notes, and I am happy as a lark. I can tell you from experience that school desks at this age, no matter how "Designed for Adults" they are, suck after the first hour of a 3 hour class. My butt and back hurt for 2 days after the first class. Funny story about our first test last Tuesday. We get in there, she hands out the testing booklets, and then the actual test. We begin settling in and looking over the test. Suddenly, the thing that only happens on TV or in dreams, happened. The stinking fire alarm goes off!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I left the test behind, grabbed my notes, and of course my phone, and hauled buggy to the parking lot. Once I stopped walking and began going back over my notes, there was a circle of classmates surrounding me. We all went over what we could remember seeing on the test and crammed for the next 5 minutes or so. As we were walking back to the class room, I only had one thought. I don't know what, who or how...but thank you God!! I needed that extra time. I get my test back this coming Tuesday. Stay tuned for further details.

Now, my third class is English 1020. It is a lot of reading and writing about what you read. I hate it. It's time consuming. I hate it. It's kicking my ass. I want it to be December just so this class will be over. Did I mention I hate it????

So that is what our life is about in a nut shell right now. Not much, but way too much. There are not enough hours in the day. But are there for anyone?

I will leave you with some pictures so you can remember who we are.

Josh munching at a picnic about a month ago.

Kamry on the way in to see High School Musical on Ice.

Joseph thinking "I do all my own stunts!"

Till next time.

Peace, love, and stupid school desks....Whim