Sunday, March 18, 2007

Oh My Mercy

Ever had one of those weeks? You know the one I am talking about. The one that starts way too early on Monday and then seems to take forever to get to Friday. The one that doesn't have enough hours in it at the same time it seems to have too many. The one where anything that could happen, does. Well, not me. This week zoomed by. Everything got done that needed to. The house got cleaned. The laundry got done. I cooked dinner every night. Every one did their homework, got a bath, and were in bed by 8.

Yeah, right.

That is so far from the truth, it's on a different planet. As I am typing this, Kamry is folding clothes. The first load out of the 8 (minimum) loads that need to be done. Joseph is cleaning the front bathroom. Joshua is cleaning the back bathroom. The floor hasn't been touched with a vacuum. And yes, they are busy doing all this stuff and I am on the computer. This is the greatest reason to have kids. Give them a scrub brush and a toxic chemical and sit back and watch. Life is good. But seriously, my kids are very thorough when it comes to this sort of thing. That is, when I can get them motivated to do it. Usually, it takes 5 or 6 times of asking, ending up in me yelling at them before they oblige.

This week consisted of my middle child gaining himself a "mini-vacation" (or so he thought) via a 2 day suspension from school. The offense...being a butt head. Doesn't sound like a reason for a suspension to you? Consider this, my child had spent as many days in ISS as he has in the classroom. He has ran completely out of options as far as discipline. I don't blame the school at all. Now, I do not like his geography teacher. He doesn't like me. He doesn't like my child. At least we are on the same page and there is no miscommunication there. The rest of the teachers have cut him as much slack as they can. He hasn't been sent to office as many times as he should have been. This time, he went to class unprepared (habitual offense). Was sent to his locker to retrieve necessary items. Decided not to go back to class. Next period, instead of going to class, he went to the gym. HELLO!!!! What is that all about? He has it in his head he can do what ever he wants when ever he wants. I would have sent his butt home too.

He completely thought that when I got him up Wednesday morning to take the dog out, that when he was done, he was going back to bed. Hardly!!!! I had made him out a list of chores to do that day. He started out at 6:30 am washing clothes (apparently we make more laundry than we wash). By time I got home, windows were windexed, dishes were washed, floors were mopped. Thursday, I got picky. My pickiness saw the kid wiping down baseboards and cabinets with Murphy's Oil Soap. I love that smell.

Sounds like my house shouldn't be so bad today, huh? Well, his list barely touched what needed to be done. The little angels are on Spring Break this week. Sounds like prime time to get even more cleaning out of them.

Friday night, one of my best friends, Delauna and I went to the Knoxville Symphony Orchestra. We saw the POPS series featuring the Motown group, The Contours. We had so much fun. We sang along, danced in our seats, and just laughed a bunch. Personally, I do not remember the Contours, but I do remember some of the songs they performed. They did some by the Miracles, the Temptations, so on and so forth. One thing I did learn about them...they were the ones that sang, "Now that I can Dance" and "I had the time of my life" from the movie Dirty Dancing.

After we left there, we went to the Downtown Grill and Brewery. They had a three piece band playing what I would call Hillbilly Rock. But it was pretty good music. We sat there till about 12 talking and laughing. We knocked on girls that shouldn't have been wearing that dress. Oggled the boys with nice butts. And briefly felt sorry for the poor long haired guy sitting at the corner of the bar...all alone...the whole 2 hours we were there...the only person talking to him was the bartender.

I have been ripping and running all weekend. Joseph had a meeting. We went to Isaiah's basketball game. Kamry and I went to get her an Easter dress and to Target (where I locked my keys in the car). 6 hours later. We got home. Alison and her kids came over and Ali colored my roots (praise God). I tried watching basketball and fell asleep about 930.

Arissa got admitted to Children's last night due to complications post surgery. She got her tonsils out Friday and seems to have had a bad reaction to the anesthesia in conjunction with the pain meds. She puked everything she had in her all day Saturday, and then some. She was so dry that even after 4 bags of fluid, I think she had peed only 2 or 3 times. I took Isaiah up there to see her this afternoon.

I am so ready to go back to work. I need to rest.

Not much more to say. I need to take a Music Appreciation test before it gets to late. Hopefully I will get a chance to update more this week than last.

Peace, love, and windex....Whim


Anonymous said...

very good rendition of your week. did I spell that right?


Anonymous said...

Thanks for the props, have fun at the vet!